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Survivor Reborn (Kieran Grey Psionic Hunter) Page 12

  The one at my back nuzzled its head against my shoulders. The power of it almost knocked me over. I opened my eyes as I struggled to keep my balance. The tiger in front of me ducked its head under my hand. When the head came up again, my hand settled on the bridge of the nose of the great beast. I was pushed from behind again. A low rumbling surrounded me.

  I waited for the growl. It never came. The rumbling remained constant. It took a minute to realize, they were purring. A deep rumbling that shook the room itself, but a purr none the less. I patted the head of the one in front of me. The head moved forward to receive more attention. I slowly reached behind me to pat the side of the other one. They purred loudly, each enjoying their attention.

  Fear left me. These were just giant kitties. Kitties that could bite your head off whole in less than a second yes, but kitties all the same. I turned so that I could scratch both of them behind the ears. They both took turns rubbing against me. I laughed. These killing machines were acting like kittens starved for attention.

  Nikolai stepped into the light. He held out a small tube the size of a pen to me. “Press this to your finger then press the button on the other side. You will not feel anything. Do it to a finger on each hand. When the blood forms to drip, place your fingers across their noses.”

  I did as he said. With a bloody finger on each hand I rubbed them against the noses of the giant tigers. Both of the sabertooth’s sniffed my blood heavily. Then they licked the blood from their noses. My hands were still in front of their faces when they looked at the blood on my fingers. Without warning they both licked my hands, cleaning the blood. Once I was cleaned they purred even louder, rubbing against me again.

  “They know you now. Feel free to visit them anytime. As long as they can smell you, you will be recognized as a friend. A touch of your blood will also allow another to pass unharmed. They are but one of the defenses of the Archives. From now on they will never be a threat to you, or those with you.”

  “This is amazing. Thank you Nikolai. Thank you, my friend.”

  Chapter 9

  Tanaka was waiting for me beside his SUV. He never asked me what Nikolai wanted. We just drove off chatting like old friends. It was relaxing. Tanaka took me to an Italian restaurant. The smells were just as good to me as they had been in my old life.

  “I take it I like Italian food?” I asked hopefully.

  “Yes you do. We came here a lot when we dated. You like most anything here, so order whatever you want.”

  When the waitress arrived I ordered fettuccine alfredo with lobster and shrimp, and a raspberry tea. Tanaka ordered lasagna with a red wine. The waitress left, only to return shortly with our drinks and left again.

  “Why didn’t you get any wine? You love wine.” Tanaka sipped his as I sweetened my tea just like I always did.

  “I never cared for wine, it always tasted bitter.” I took a sip of my tea. I’d over-sweetened it for my new tastes. Oh well.

  “You just weren’t drinking the right stuff, at the right time, with the right people. Here, try this.” He handed me his glass.

  I took a sip of the wine. The taste was not bitter like I had remembered wine tasting. It was actually very good. I was always a beer man before, now it appears I’m a wine girl. Go figure.

  I handed him back his glass. “Not bad. I always avoided wine before. I did love a good beer though.”

  “Then you’ll be disappointed, beer makes you sick almost instantly.”

  Great, just great. And I was just thinking about ordering a beer.

  “After we eat, we’ll swing by your old apartment, to pick up anything you have to have, pictures, heirlooms, etc.”

  “I want to pick up my computer for sure, and my DVD collection too.”

  Tanaka pulled a hand-held computer from his pocket. “I have almost the entire inventory of Kieran’s apartment in here. We can keep from picking up stuff you already have that way.”

  The waitress returned with our food. It looked and smelled too good to be true. I stabbed a shrimp with my fork, hesitating before putting it in my mouth. It wasn’t that it was too hot. I just wasn’t sure how my taste buds would react after the pancake incident.

  “Eat it, you like alfredo, and you love seafood. No tricks, I promise.” Tanaka had already dug into his meal.

  I put the shrimp in my mouth. The taste was heavenly. It was like I remembered it, but better in a way. I ate every last bite without hardly stopping. It was that good.

  “Tanaka, tell me about the old Kieran. What was she like?”

  “Well, let me see. You’re exactly like her nice side. The side that most people fell in love with.” He stopped eating to lean on the table while he talked. “She had many sides. And not all of them were pleasant. All in all, she was a bitter, paranoid woman walking around with a lot of anger bottled up inside her. Only a few of us were able to get close to her. She just avoided people, that way she didn’t have to worry about them making her angry. Every day she spent worrying about losing her temper. Don’t get me wrong, she had her reasons, but she never really relaxed. The only time she would relax was when she was having sex. She loved sex. But, she never was the faithful type. She was in a committed relationship when we started dating. Then she broke it off without warning to be with me. While we dated she had sex with four other people, that I know of. Then, out of the blue, she kicked me out of her bed and started spending her nights with Marsala. I never could figure out just how, or what type of sex they had. Of course Marsala won’t talk about it. ‘A gentleman never tells,’ was the only answer he would give me when I asked.

  “Kieran was hard to understand. She gave a new definition to the term, mood swings. She would come in crying and want to be held, then suddenly she would shove me off the couch and leave the room only to return a few seconds later like nothing ever happened. I have to honestly say that she was the most high-strung woman I ever dated. I was always walking on eggshells with her, never knowing if I was doing something right or not. Then there were the days that she acted like you do. Everyone wanted to be around her then. She would be calmer, more understanding. Even be willing to smile from time to time. But, those days were few and far between. So rare.

  “We had a scare once. She was attacked, bitten by a werewolf when her shields weren’t working because of fatigue, and it ended up bleeding directly into her wounds when she killed it. Just being bitten won’t change you. That’s a myth created by the media. You have to have some of their blood in you as well, same with vampires. It was a worried month until the full moon. She’d never had the vaccine. I think she was afraid that it would backfire and turn her into a shifter like it did with some people, even though it’s an extremely rare occurrence anymore. So we waited. The full moon came and went, nothing happened. Dr. Grey ran some tests, it turns out that Kieran is one of the lucky few that are naturally immune to the lycanthrope virus. It was shortly after her attack that she left her old steady for me. The only thing she told me about why she left was that she, ‘Didn’t sleep with animals’. I never did figure out what she meant by that.”

  “Sounds to me like she was a snobbish bitch.”

  “Sometimes, yeah. Even though she had money she always made other people pay. Then she would go out and buy some expensive bobble and rub it in everyone’s noses. After the attack she was just flat out mean to Nikolai, and almost anyone who was a shifter, especially the wolves. She acted mightier than thou around them, and would lash out at any who commented on it. So yes, bitch is an accurate description. She went after Jacob by herself. She wouldn’t accept help from anyone. I heard that she even told Marsala to stay out of her life just before she left. Harsh, wasn’t it?

  “I guess that’s why everyone likes you. You’re exactly like her nice side, but you’re always like that, no mood swings. Sure you lose your temper some, but hell, you inherited the worst temper in the world when you took over her body. Also, you’re willing to forgive and move on. Kieran would hold something against you years
after the fact. For Amelia, it’s like she finally gets to have the best parts of her sister all the time now. Kieran would never let anyone pick out her clothes for her, or do her makeup. You’re the sister that Amelia always wanted, even if you used to be a guy. As for Marsala, I don’t know really. He does like having you around, I know that for sure. Me, well I never stopped loving Kieran. No matter what she was like, or what she did, I still loved her for the moments when she would act like you do. Don’t freak out, but in a way, I love you.”

  I stopped eating and had to think about that for a minute.

  My old life was loveless. Sure I fell in love, but no one ever loved me. Ever. Now Tanaka is setting across from me. In love, partly because of who I am, but mostly because of who she was. How are you supposed to reply to that?

  Sure I would accept Tanaka as a friend, but just like with Marsala, in my mind I was not into guys. I could feel the lust in the body, but my mind just was not able to accept it. I must’ve been thinking about it too long. Tanaka leaned back into his chair with a hurt look on his face.


  “Thank you for being honest with me. Now let me be honest with you. Regardless of the body, my mind is still that of a heterosexual male. I’m not after a male lover. At least not right now.” Probably never, but I won’t say it out loud because I don’t want to upset you. “I’m not really sure about taking a female lover either. Christ Tanaka, I’ve only been a woman for a little over a day! How am I supposed to know what I want? Look, like I told Marsala, before I make any decisions I have to have some time to adjust. Who knows, I may end up just being celibate the rest of my life.”

  He leaned on the table again laughing lightly. “Not a chance. Kieran has way too high of a sex drive for you to just turn it off. Because she spends all her time locked away inside her shields, her body craves attention. You may not choose a full time lover, but you will not be sexless. Sorry I put you on the spot. Take your time. Adjust to the new you. Just don’t forget you have friends that care about you.”

  We finished our main courses. When the waitress returned, Tanaka ordered a flavored coffee for desert. I ordered a slice of cheesecake. I stopped Tanaka before he could comment. I always loved cheesecake. I had to know for myself if it was still as good as it was. I barely hesitated with my first bite of the cheesecake. Like the pasta, it tasted even better than I could ever remember.

  Thank goodness, I didn’t lose all of my favorite foods.

  Tanaka and I spent the entire meal talking about the old Kieran. Her likes and dislikes. I wanted to know as much about her as I could.

  * * *

  After lunch we went to my old apartment building. It was in the low-rent district. I used to be that poor in my former life. Tanaka had my old keys, not that we needed them. The door to the building was open just like it always was. We went right in and up the stairs. It was the first time in over a year that I could remember not having to sneak in past Old Lady Carmichael–the landlady. It seemed like I was always behind in the rent or another bill of some sort. Tanaka reached the door to my apartment first. He started to open the door, then stopped, pointing at the shiny new padlock freshly attached to the door.

  “I assume that this is not supposed to be here.”

  “Shit. She locked me out again. Come on, let’s go fight with the old bat,” I sighed.

  “Old bat?”

  We went back downstairs to the manager’s apartment. I had to knock three times before she came to the door. Old Lady Carmichael was a little old-hunchbacked lady. The only things she cared about were money and her parrots. In that order. She opened the door, then pointed accusingly at the two of us with her cane.

  “I don’t know you,” she barked, her tone was as unpleasant as always.

  I held up my badge. “Hello Mrs. Carmichael. I’m Kev–KIERAN Grey, an Officer with the GCP. The Tenant in 23B has some classified materials of ours in his possession. We’re here to collect them.” Well it wasn’t a complete lie. I thought of my personal stuff as classified, especially where Old Lady Carmichael was involved.

  “PAH! That deadbeat bum! He owes me two months’ rent and utilities! No one gets in there until I get paid.”

  She was scratching her backside as she glared at us thorough her thick Coke-bottle glasses. Watching her do that always made me sick.

  “Mrs. Carmichael, you may not be aware, but your tenant from apartment 23B is deceased. Before he died he had in his possession a number of classified materials from the GCP. We need to collect them.” I tried to sound as official as I could.

  “So, the deadbeat bum is now a dead deadbeat bum. HA! Serves him right. Dying without paying his rent first, he still has a contract to fulfill you know! Nope, no one goes in 23B until I get my money,” she declared as defiant as ever.

  You had to admire her for that.

  “Ma’am, you do realize that we are Officers with the Global Centurion Protectorate. Legally we can enter the room without your permission to retrieve that which is ours. We are asking you only as a courtesy. If you stand in our way we could have you arrested for interfering with an official investigation.” Tanaka was trying to strong-arm her. I knew from experience, it wouldn’t work.

  “Legal, shmeagle! Just give me an excuse to sue! My attorneys are on speed dial. He had a contract. I am fully within my rights to withhold property until I have been fully paid for the back rent and utilities.”

  “Forget this, come on, I can break off that lock.” Tanaka tried to pull me away. I stayed my ground, I knew how to deal with the old bat.

  I opened the cash side of my wallet. I took out the cash, fanning it in front of her. Her eyes widened and she actually licked her lips at the sight of the cash. As they say, money talks.

  “I have over six-hundred in cash with me. Surely that would pay enough of his bills for you to unlock the door for us. Once we have what we need, you can sell the rest of his belongings to settle the debt.”

  “HA! The only thing he has of value is that outdated computer of his. I couldn’t even get fifty-bucks for that.”

  Actually, it’s still selling on the market for two-thousand dollars for a new one. I’m sure I could sell mine for at least a few hundred. But, why bother arguing?

  “Mrs. Carmichael, it is very important that we retrieve the materials today. I’m sure we can reach an agreement. The materials are very important to us. How about you take this cash as a down payment. After we have recovered what is ours from the room, we’ll have the remaining balance brought to you by a cashier’s check.”

  “Nope, don’t do checks. Don’t trust them. But, I do take credit cards now. Just got the machine in yesterday. Pay me in full through this month, and the room’s yours.”

  I put the cash back in my wallet, then pulled out the personal bankcard. I can’t really justify this as a business expense. Can I?

  “Fine, we will pay you in full through this month using this card then.”

  She was disappointed that she didn’t get the cash. Hell, I had just signed a credit receipt for over a thousand dollars. Other than college tuition fees I’d never signed away so much money that fast in my life. Once the transaction was approved she gave us the key to the padlock. She had to dig it out of the bottom of her brassiere to hand it to us though. Gross! Well, gross from her anyway. We thanked her and left for my apartment.

  My old place was a simple one-bedroom apartment. The kitchen shared space with the living room with a separate small bedroom and bath. I’d lived there by myself for over ten years. It definitely looked like a classic bachelor pad. Junk was piled everywhere. You had to jump from spot to spot on the floor to avoid all of the piles.

  “What hurricane hit here? Were you robbed?” Tanaka asked completely serious from the doorway.

  I was already knee deep in the middle of the room. “What do you mean? The place always looks like this. I lived on my own you know.”

  He tiptoed into the room with a grimace. “Obviously.”

  I had
a feeling he didn’t approve of my old lifestyle. I pointed to the shelves next to the TV. “If you want, you can start getting the DVD’s from the shelves there. I’m going to get some things from the bedroom.”

  I left him with a sour expression on his face. It wasn’t that bad, or at least I didn’t think so. I traversed my way into the bedroom. My old clothes were scattered in unwashed piles around the room. There once was a bed underneath all those clothes, I think.

  Tanaka shrieked from the other room. He yelled something about being attacked by an ancient mutant-pizza. I ignored him and crossed the mountains of clothes to the closet.

  The closet had no clothes in it. It was actually almost empty. There were only two paper boxes stacked in one corner. I grabbed them. They were always packed, just in case I had to leave in a hurry. I carried the boxes back out to the living room. Surprising myself with the strength of my new body. I’d always struggled to lift both boxes at once before.

  “You know Kieran already has most all of these, so we don’t need to take the rest. What else do you need?”

  I pointed to the junk strewn coffee table at his feet. “My laptop is on the table there . . . somewhere. I need it.”

  He reached down clearing off the table one piece of rubbish at a time. “How did you live like this?”

  “I was never really here. When I was, I just lived and moved on. Cleaning wasn’t really a priority to me. Besides, it’s not like anyone else ever saw this place.”

  Tanaka finally fished out my laptop from the mess. He held it in one hand away from his body like he was disgusted by it. “If anyone had seen this place they would’ve ran away screaming.”

  “Alright that’s enough! Yes, I lived like a pig! Can we move on now?”

  “Okay, what else do you need?” He glanced at the door hopefully.

  “The only things important to me are in these boxes and that laptop. Nothing else matters, not really.”

  My pocket started to shake and ring, making me jump.