Survivor Reborn (Kieran Grey Psionic Hunter) Read online

Page 18

  “My gun and badge are in there. I thought you said I couldn’t bring any weapons with me?” I asked, slightly confused. Not admitting about the hidden grenades in my hair. What she didn’t know couldn’t hurt her, or could save me, or something like that.

  “That’s right. No weapons allowed. But that wouldn’t’ve stopped the old Kieran from trying. Sure you don’t want your purse? We may be able to sneak it in.”

  She was giving me an out. I liked her even more for that.

  “I’m here as your date. It wouldn’t be fair not to follow the rules. Right? Isn’t that why Ren couldn’t come? Besides, I have my shields to protect me if I have to.”

  And the grenades. I hope I don’t need the gun. Is it going to be that type of party? If it is, with all the shifters, I think I’ll need the military at my back instead of one little pistol. Shields or not.

  We took off walking down the gravel road to the house. The music was loud enough to hear even clear across the makeshift parking lot. Vicki hugged her arms around herself trying to keep warm under her light coat. She looked at me. Her face instantly turned to a look of disgust behind the cloud from her breath.

  “H-h-how can you d-d-do that?” she asked me through her now fully chattering teeth.

  “Do what?”

  “You only h-have on that slinky skirt and top, and you are a-a-acting like it is a sunny summer day. Meanwhile I’m wearing this hideously unfashionable trench coat freezing my bloody ass off. Christ! My nipples are hard enough to cut glass.”

  I had to laugh at that visual. Vicki was more fun than any girl I had ever dated. All three of them. I was so glad I was with her. I put my arm around her waist pulling her close to me. I silently wished I could help her warm up. Then I had an idea. I pushed my shields out around the both of us. I concentrated on warming the air around us by keeping out the cold. I had my eyes closed trying to imagine the air as a cool summer breeze instead of the freezing winter wind.

  “Are you doing that?” Vicki asked with wonder.

  We’d only taken a few steps since I’d pulled her close to me. I opened my eyes to look up into her face. We both had on five-inch heels. She was a good four-inches taller than me now.

  It must be the legs.

  “You warmer?” I smiled.

  “Yes, when did you learn to do that? Kieran could never warm me up before.” She looked astonished.

  “I didn’t know that I could do it. I just wanted to try to help. I guess it worked.”

  She kissed me on the cheek. I helped her take the coat off. It was too warm inside my shields with it on. We continued walking, my arm around her waist, hers around my shoulders. It was a very opposite feeling than I was used to, but it felt good.

  There were two goons at the front door when we mounted the steps. “Goons” was the only way to describe the muscle-bound guards. They both eyed us as we walked up the steps to stand in front of them. They didn’t look pleased that we were here.

  “Vicki, what are you doing here?” the goon on the left spat her name out.

  “I was invited. I’m always invited, remember? Or is your mind out to lunch?” She was being well beyond sarcastic.

  “You can’t bring others in. Not after you brought that cop last time. She can’t come in.” He pointed his finger accusingly in my face. I had a bad feeling about this in more than one way.

  “Call the Panther Queen. Tell her I’m here with my new lover. I wish to introduce them. Is that beyond you, or should I just call her myself? You know she will not be pleased with you forcing her guests to stand out in the cold. Now call herrr, orrr let us pass.” Vicki suddenly held a command in her voice, along with a light growl that raised goose bumps down my spine.

  “Fine, wait.” The goon pulled out his cell phone. He explained the situation into it, then went silent. The other goon just kept looking me up and down with a leer in his eyes. It was disturbing, but I guessed he liked what he was seeing.

  “Yes, I understand.” Goon-number-one finished his call. “The Panther Queen says that you must prove that she is your lover. Only then can I let you pass.”

  “Not a problem.” Vicki said with a shrug, handing the goon her coat. She turned to face me, pulling me into a light kiss. “Just let go and enjoy, I’m yours for the taking,” she whispered in my ear before biting it lightly just below the ear-cuff. That nibble sent an electric shock through my entire body. My nipples tensed into hard pebbles instantly.

  I let my hands follow the curves of her body as we kissed. I felt every inch of her through her flimsy dress. My hands pulled her buttocks against me harder. She twisted, forcing her leg between mine. My shields dropped, letting the cold air suddenly rush in around us adding another chill to the excitement. We each rubbed against the others leg as we continued to kiss. My hands were roaming over her back and down to her ass, groping her through the incredibly thin fabric of her dress.

  She pulled away from me. The wicked grin on her face left me wondering what she was thinking. I felt her hand slide between our bodies. It snaked down finding the edge of my skirt. The hand came back up underneath my skirt to the top of my panties. Vicki pushed her hand inside the waistband to cup me. Her hand rested against my bare skin with nothing in-between. I let out a gasp. No one else had ever touched me there since I’d entered my new body. The feeling was indescribable.

  Pleasure welled up inside me almost instantly. I felt like a dam about to burst. I alternated between kissing her and moaning into her shoulder as she gently rubbed little circles against my skin in that intimate place. I couldn’t control myself any longer. I threw my head back screaming as the orgasm overtook me. When the world settled again, I opened my eyes. Vicki stood there, the look on her face was like an angel from heaven.

  I’d give anything to always see that look on her face.

  “Damn.” Goon-number-two was staring at us with his jaw open. A quick glance showed me the growing wet spot on the front of his trousers.

  Guess he enjoyed the show.

  “Okay, fine. Leave your coat and keys here. You still have to be searched for weapons though.” Goon-number-one on the left did not look as pleased.

  S’pose he doesn’t like girls? Any guy I know would give his left nut to watch two women going at it right in front of them. Each to their own I guess.

  Vicki and I stood there with our arms spread as the goons searched us. It was more of a groping session then a search. My breasts were smashed and mangled by Goon-number-two. I looked at Vicki, she didn’t seem to be enjoying the attentions of Goon-number-one either. Hands roughly pawed at my butt. Then he lifted my skirt to stare at my now damp underwear with his face close enough to smell my arousal.

  The blush crashed through my cheeks and burned down my neck. I brushed his hands away. “I think you’ve had enough of a show for now.” Reluctantly he let me smooth the skirt back down after taking a deep whiff.

  Sexually harassed twice in the same day! No wonder women hate the way men act. Filthy pigs!

  * * *

  Vicki and I entered the large ranch house. The loudness of the music alone was enough to make us pause just inside the door before going further inside. It was so crowded, the place was almost wall to wall with people. The noise and heat from the dense crowd made me slightly claustrophobic. We moved inside towards the back of the house. The backroom was like a large school gymnasium. There were chairs and tables spread around the edges of the dance floor. At the far end of the room sat the King and Queen.

  The bejeweled thrones were raised up on golden steps. It gave the illusion of wealth and importance. Vicki explained over the noise into my ear, that the man was the King of the Werewolves. The lady sitting next to him was the Panther Queen. Both of them held a look of pleasant boredom that reminded me of paintings of medieval nobility. The look said that they were too powerful and cultured to have emotions. In simpler terms, they were snobs.

  They represented the largest groups of the shape shifting community. Vicki belonged
to a smaller group of werecats made up of those cats that didn’t belong to the panthers for one reason or another. Other groups included snakes, birds, bears, and a plethora of others.

  Werebear, now that’s funny. Not that I’m going to say anything out loud though. I have a feeling no one else would get my humor.

  We crossed the room to the thrones. The Panther Queen beckoned us forward with a movement of her ebony finger. Adorned like an Egyptian Goddess, she reminded me of Cleopatra. When we were close enough up on the golden steps to talk to her without screaming over the music, Vicki bowed. I copied her, when in Rome and all.

  “Panther Queen, thank you for inviting me to your gathering. If it pleases you, allow me to introduce Kieran, my lover,” Vicki said still bowing.

  “So I have heard child. Tell me, how long has she shared your bed?” The Queen glared at us. I didn’t like that gaze, or her tone, or even her for that matter.

  “She has shared me twice, Panther Queen. Tonight is to be our third.”

  “How carefully you choose your words. You have not yet told me how long she has shared your bed.” The Queen leaned closer to us with a scowl on her face. I felt like backing down the steps. With a gentle nudge, my shields flared out, doubling in strength as a reflex to my nerves. No one around me seemed to notice.

  “Forgive me Panther Queen, for we have not had a bed to share. We have always just . . . gone with the moment.”

  I kept my mouth shut, afraid that I’d say something stupid and doom us all. The Queen leaned back on her throne. It seemed like an eternity before she began to laugh. I looked up at her face without raising my head. She looked like she enjoyed being queen.

  “I was told of your display on the front porch. Perhaps you will give us a repeat performance before the night is over. Please go and enjoy all that is my hospitality.”

  Vicki rose to her feet and scrambled down the steps after a short nod. I followed her. She didn’t stop until we were on the opposite side of the room from the Queen.

  “Why do I feel like we just faced the lions, and they decided not to eat us until after dinner?” I asked.

  Vicki shook her body like a cat shakes off water then she laughed, her smile returning. “That, is a very accurate analogy, only with panthers, not lions. The lions are all nice to me. They would never eat me. As for the panthers, they would probably just enjoy the snack and go looking for seconds. The King and Queen act like they do because they can. They control the largest of our populations. No one would survive if we went to war against them even if the rest of us all joined forces.”

  “Why did you tell her we had sex twice?”

  “She didn’t ask if we had sex or not, now did she? This place is like the courts of old. Everything is politics. Word games. I was honest enough with her. We’ve had two incredible kisses, is that not true? . . . Well, we got in, we’re in one piece, and we’ve been welcomed to join the party. I think we’re doing well.”

  “You’re an optimist aren’t you?” I asked accusingly.

  “Isn’t everyone?” She was slowly returning to her old self. She obviously didn’t like being that close to the Queen. I couldn’t blame her.

  Vicki led me around the room. The whirlwind of introductions went by in a blur. There was no way that I could’ve possibly remembered all of the people I met, much less their names.

  Everywhere people were groping and pawing each other, hands roaming over bodies in various states of undress. We passed one couple and I had to take a second look. The girl was sitting on the guys lap, moving back and forth rhythmically as they both moaned. They were covered by her skirt, but her panties were around her ankles. They were openly having sex in public. It was like the party was slowly turning into a giant orgy.

  What have I gotten myself into? I wonder if I should’ve brought that condom after all? Nah, I should’a brought the gun.

  Vicki pulled me along by my wrist. She made it very evident that I was hers and no one else could touch. I didn’t like being treated like property, but, it beat the alternative of being passed around to every hand that wished to have a grope.

  Vicki would stop every so often to hug and kiss the different people she introduced to me. She seemed truly happy. It made me smile.

  We ended up sitting back at a small table halfway between the Queen and the doors. There was only one other at the table. It seemed as safe of place as we could be without looking like we were obviously avoiding the Queen.

  “Kieran, this is Ash. She is the Den Mother of the House of the Lesser Cats. She’s been like a surrogate mother to me since I was relocated to St. Carver,” Vicki introduced us. “Ash, this is Kieran. She is my new lover.”

  Ash held out her muscular hand to me. Everything about her just screamed warrior–or military at the very least–from her toned muscles to the look she held in her eyes. I shook her hand as I took a seat next to her. Vicki started to sit down on my other side, she stopped halfway.

  “Oh my god, is that Nate?! Kieran, I’ll be right back.” Vicki left me before I could reply.

  “She hasn’t changed one bit since I first met her,” Ash was talking while staring out over the crowd. “So, Kieran is it? Any relation to the Kieran that broke her heart years ago? The Kieran that lied to her and treated her like filth? That Kieran that had promised me she would always look after Vicki? The Kieran that looks EXACTLY like you?”

  It took me a second to pick my jaw up off the floor.

  She knew the old Kieran? Oh this is just great! What the fuck do I do now?

  I felt like I was under the microscope. Ash never looked at me as she spoke, but somehow I just knew that she was paying attention to my every move. And the look on her face wasn’t pleasant.

  “Actually I just met Vicki for the first time today. We just sort of hit it off.” Okay, so I didn’t answer her question really.

  What am I supposed to say? Well the body is the same, but the mind isn’t. I’ve got a feeling she wouldn’t like that excuse.

  “Rrriiiight, whatever. Look I don’t know what yourrr game is,” she turned to stare right at me, an unfriendly disapproving stare. Her voice had a thick growl to it that raised the hairs on my neck. “Vicki is special to me, all of my cats arrre. If you hurrrt herrr in any way, I will RRRIP-OUT-YOURRR-THRRROAT-WITH-MY-BARRRE-HANDS. . . . But honestly, I haven’t seen her this happy since she came to St. Carver. I just wish she would quit making friends with cops. You guys always seem to just use her and then throw her away.”

  “What do you mean?” I did not like the conversation, or the direction it was heading.

  “Don’t play coy with me. I know who you are. Besides, I was at the hospital today. You sure put the fear of a god in that rookie.”

  Shit! What do I do now? I’m so busted. But how much does she really know?

  “I care for Vicki. I do not wish to use her.”

  That was honest and noncommittal, right?

  “But you’re using her. Does she know you’re still a Centurion? Or are you making up a lie about that too?”

  “Yes, she knows. She also knows that I have two reasons for coming tonight. And only one of those reasons is her.”

  “You cops make me sick,” she turned back to stare at the crowd. “You’re after the wolves that’re helping that Jacob murderer, right?”

  “Yes, we have a small lead. I was hoping to have a chance to follow up on it tonight.”

  Ash turned only her eyes back to face me. The look on her face would have sent Death himself running for the hills. “If you get your information then what? Are you just going to dump Vicki and run like the others? Like you did years ago?”

  “No. I am here as her date, whether or not I get any information is a secondary concern. I want to see her happy. I’m not that Kieran anymore, I’d never even met her before today. It’s hard to explain but there was this accident, I ended up losing my memory. I know that it sounds like a convenient excuse, but it’s the truth. I’m honestly not the Kieran you think I am.
” I kept my voice low and steady. Whether or not it was a good idea to tell her anything wasn’t as important to me as it was to have her believe that I wasn’t out to hurt Vicki. I had a feeling that Ash was trying to challenge me. To what, I just was not sure. Then I got my answer.

  “Fine. Beat me, and I’ll give you the information you need. But only after the party. Vicki deserves to be happy for a while.”

  “Beat you how?” I asked suspiciously, suddenly wishing for my gun again.

  “You showed great power at the hospital. Arm wrestle me. You win, I’ll talk to you about whatever you want. I win, you never play cop around Vicki again. Agreed?” she put her elbow on the table as she asked.

  I mirrored her. Placing my elbow on the table and grabbing her hand. “Agreed.”

  “Go,” she said.

  I put all of my strength behind my hand, pushing as hard as I could. Her hand never moved. It was like her arm was made of unbendable steel. She had an evil grin slowly spreading across her face.

  I decided to play my trump card. She already knew about my shields. I had nothing to lose. Besides, the entire trip would be kind of a waste if I didn’t get at least a little information.

  I flexed my shields. Pushing them the way my arm was willing them to go.

  Ash’s face fell. A look of shock took over.

  The hands started to move. I was slowly gaining ground. The well-toned muscles in her arm clenched. She was fighting against my shields.

  Memories of the day poured through my head. The look of that girl in the hospital. I could feel the anger rising. I welcomed it, focusing all of my anger into my shields. Ash’s hand was giving way under my shields. I already had her halfway.

  Letting everything go, I slammed my shields against her hand. She stopped fighting just before her arm broke under the pressure. She pulled her hand back rubbing the wrist with her other hand. The look of disbelief on her face was hard to miss.

  “I-I, I had no idea. I would never have thought you could do that.” Her face went neutral.

  “Welcome to my world.”