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Survivor Reborn (Kieran Grey Psionic Hunter) Page 8

  “Can you see the room now?” I nodded, afraid that if I spoke the bubble would burst, returning me to the darkness. “Good, now try to find your glasses. They are somewhere in this room. But, they may be behind something, or in a drawer. Try to find them without having to physically dig for them.”

  I flexed my hand again. I could now see what was inside the desk drawers without opening them. It was like x-ray vision, without the glasses. I could focus on any stack and pick out a single piece of paper to read. I looked at the nearest cup on the desk. I focused on it for a second. It started to glow under the violet light, then I flexed my shields. Suddenly I could see the glow coming from every cup in the office. Instantly I knew where every cup was, buried or not.

  There’s more cups in here than in the breakroom back at my old office. Doesn’t she have a trash can?

  I switched my focus to Marsala and his glasses. I was looking for another pair just like that. The glow faded from the cups. I concentrated harder. Marsala’s glasses began to glow. Out of the corner of my eye I caught another glow. It was coming from the file cabinet, third drawer down in the back.

  I carefully edged my way to the file cabinet. Avoiding stacks of papers on the way. I did not want to disturb anything, just in case Emmy had a filing system of some sort going on amongst the bedlam. I opened the drawer and fished out my glasses. My bubble collapsed before I could get the glasses on. I was left in darkness again. With the glasses on all I could see was the small command circle. I glanced at it thinking about the darkness. Night vision flared to life. I could see everything in plain colors as if in perfect daylight.

  Marsala flicked the lights back on. My glasses instantly adjusted without blinding me with the sudden lights. He took off his glasses, then turned to smile at me. The smile lacked something. I had a feeling this was a good news/bad news thing. So what was the bad news? I took the glasses off, slipping them in the inside pocket of my jacket.

  “How come I get the feeling you are not telling me something?”

  “You and I stumbled across that ability by accident. When we told Dr. Grey about it, we all decided to keep it a secret, like a hidden trump card. But I could not lie to my masters.” He ducked his head. He looked ashamed about what he was telling me. “My masters asked me about your powers. I had to tell them. I had to tell them everything. They know almost all of your secrets. I did not tell them about the mind switch. Unfortunately, that is the only secret I have kept from them. They believe you were forced out of your coma, just like everyone else does. They . . . they even know about us.” He turned his face away from me.

  I went to stand in front of him. He was crying silent tears. Of all the things in the world, I never thought I would see such a powerful man, much less a giant vampire, cry. I felt sorry for him. I also felt something else, it felt like love. Could I love him? He is a man, and a vampire on top of that. Why do I feel like I love him? My body took over before my mind could sort it out logically.

  I reached out cradling his face in my hands. I turned his head to face me. He looked so hurt. Was it because he thought he betrayed me? Or, did he just miss the old Kieran? I could not stop myself. I leaned in and kissed him. The kiss was gentle and chaste, barely a pressing of lips, but it was still a kiss. I pulled back to see shock in his face.

  “I thought you did not want me anymore. And I betrayed your trust. How–” I put my tiny finger against his enormous lips to silence him.

  “This body loves you.” I pulled back a little shaking my head. “But, I’m not ready in my mind to accept any man as my lover. I’m sorry. The old Kieran was bisexual, perhaps in time I may become open to the idea of a male lover. But, right now I just need someone I can trust. I am confused, really confused. I don’t know why I kissed you, or if I could ever do it again. I’m just–” It was Marsala that stopped me this time.

  “Thank you. Yes, this is hard on all of us that knew Kieran, but it is also hard on you as well. Thank you for admitting that part of you still cares for me.”

  Now I was crying. The tears running down my shields never touching the makeup.

  “I understand that you had to tell your masters. You had no choice, it was not betrayal. I feel so much closer to you than anyone for some reason. I’m glad you’re here for me.” For a number of reasons I couldn’t explain, I sat down on his leg like a child visiting Santa at the mall, then leaned into his chest. “I am beyond confused. In my mind I’m not into guys, but this body is. I just need some time to figure things out.”

  “Take all the time you need.” He placed his arms around me. He held me like a parent would hold a small child. I felt so comfortable there, so much like . . .

  . . . home.

  The door hissed open. Emmy took half a backwards step inside. “She is my sister and I will take care of her how I-GOD-DAMN-WELL-SEE-FIT!!!” she furiously screamed into the hallway.

  “Just keep that ABOMINATION out of my sight!” an angry aged male voice yelled back.

  Emmy stormed inside the room shaking with anger. Thumbing the door closed, she kicked the door cursing up a storm. The words that came out of her mouth would have sent seasoned sailors running from the room. She calmed down after a few minutes as we sat there in silence. With one hand on her hip and the other on her forehead, she finally realized that she was not alone. She started to speak then a sly smile came across her face and she giggled instead.

  “Would you two like some privacy?” Her smile widened.

  There I was, in Marsala’s arms, with my hands holding his face and the window blacked out. I could only imagine what was going through her mind at that moment. Did the old Kieran get into these embarrassing situations as easily? I let my hands drop from his face. I didn’t try to get up though, I was comfortable in his arms.

  “We’re fine, thank you. I take it Doc did not like your explanation. He can be difficult, but I can talk to him if you want.” Marsala answered for both of us. It felt oddly normal.

  Weird. Every time I start to figure out this strange life, something else happens and I get confused again. Aarrggghhh!!! That’s it, I give up.

  “I’m sorry that I caused you problems . . . Sis.” The Sis was an afterthought. The look on her face was priceless and well worth the effort.

  “It is not your fault. Well, let’s change the subject, shall we? Did you give her all of her gear?” She started fidgeting again.

  Whatever all had been said earlier had her shaking like an addict in bad need of a fix. I slid out of Marsala’s lap. Crossing over to Emmy, I took her in my arms as gently as I would a newborn. I hugged her, slowly rubbing her back in useless circles meant to do nothing but comfort her with human contact. She broke down crying into my shoulder. I stood there holding her. As she cried, I whispered to her that it would be alright, even though I wasn’t sure that it would be since I didn’t really even have a good clue of what was upsetting her. Marsala looked like he would’ve joined me if the room would have been larger.

  “Thank you. I needed that.” Once the tears stopped, Emmy stepped away to touch up her makeup in the small mirror on the wall.

  “What gear were you talking about?” I asked in an attempt to move to a new subject.

  “Oh, in the top right drawer of the desk. There is a belt pack and a gun, along with your wallet. The pack is a new issue with updated items. Your old one was going to be tossed out soon anyway, so I figured we could just start you with the new one first thing. Kieran also switched what guns she used almost daily. She could never decide what she wanted. The one I grabbed for you is good for a concealed carry. Small but powerful. It should do for now. We can get you something different later on if you want.” Emmy was cleaning up the mascara that had run only moments ago. My shields definitely are an advantage when it comes to makeup.

  I opened the desk drawer. As I picked up the belt pack, Marsala explained the contents while I pawed through it. Inside were eight ration cubes, twelve painkillers, twelve sleepstims, and five half-ounce hydro pack
s, according to the labels.

  “A single drop of gel from a hydro pack is the same as eight ounces of water.” he explained as I held up one of the packets. “Use them when dehydrated or when water is unavailable. But, remember it only takes a drop or two. Any more than that in your system all at once, would be the same as forcing a few gallons of water down you. You could actually drown.”

  With that pleasant visual I moved on. I had already experienced the painkillers and ration cubes, so I held up one of the little blue gelcaps for him to explain.

  “Those are brand new. We call them sleepstims. Sometimes we have to work forty or fifty hours straight without sleep. The longer you go without rest the lower your performance–both mental and physical–becomes. When you find yourself in that situation, take a sleepstim. It will make you perform as if you just woke up from a nice deep ten-hour sleep, all rested and ready as long as it is in your system. One sleepstim should last about twelve hours or so. Then you can just take another if you need to. In fact you can take them regularly and forego sleep for weeks at a time, but that isn’t exactly healthy. No matter how it makes you feel, your body still needs regular sleep. The nice thing about them is that even though it is a stimulant of sorts, it won’t keep you from sleeping when you’re ready. Even if you just took one, if you get the chance for regular sleep you can go ahead and take it.”

  I can imagine how much easier college would‘ve been with these little doohickeys. Cramming for finals without the triple espressos and caffeine tabs, or the shakes and nerves. I could make a fortune selling these to students. My own little black-market study-aids.

  The gun was a smaller Glock than the one yesterday. A .45 caliber that only held six in the clip and one in the pipe. The thinner handle fit my hand fairly well.

  “We keep all our guns ‘cocked and locked’. In other words safeties off and hammer pulled back if necessary. Your time is reduced from drawing to firing if you don’t have to mess with safeties and hammers. Every second in a firefight counts. We also keep all guns with what they call a ‘combat load’. That means that there is always a round chambered and the clip is full, giving you an extra round. Rule of thumb is to always assume any firearm is loaded and ready to fire. Around here we take that rule to a new level. There are no guns anywhere inside the archives, or the GCP for that matter, that are not loaded and live. At any time, you can pick up any gun, anywhere in the Archives, and simply pull the trigger and the gun will fire. It is not a safe environment for kids, but the few children we have around are all combat trained anyway. The ammo for that gun is .45+P high-velocity silver plated hollow points,” Marsala explained pointing at the spare clip.

  I guess the silver makes the bullets shinier, or something? Wait! Silver bullets . . . werewolf killers? Just what in the hell do I need these for? I’m not hunting shifters, am I?

  The holster placed the gun in the small of my back attached to my belt, and held the extra clip. I put on the gun and the belt pack, then picked up the wallet.

  The wallet was more of a man’s style than a woman’s. I opened the double-fold wallet, and the first thing that jumped out at me was the badge. It was a silver triangle with a raised globe in the middle, the letters GCP each took up one of the corners of the triangle. It sparkled in the lights with a holographic glow, like there was another color just below the surface that you could only see if you held it just right. Everyone in the world had seen that badge. When the GCP was first created, the media plastered pictures of the badge everywhere. It gave me authority over everyone, including cops, feds, and even those with diplomatic immunity. I could do anything from writing a parking ticket, to carrying out sanctioned executions. No one ever worried about someone copying the badge. The punishment for pretending to be a Centurion Officer was instant death, no exceptions, no reprieve, no excuses.

  Surprisingly, the ID opposite the badge had a good picture of me unlike any of my old photos. I simply wasn’t photogenic in my old body. It identified me as an official Global Centurion Protectorate Field Officer, Hunter Class. As a Hunter Class, I had the second highest security clearance you could get in the world as an individual. Right under the Executioner Class Officers. It also meant that I could order around local and national law enforcement, as well as all military forces. Between the badge and the ID, I was immune to everything except the GCP Council themselves, or an Executioner Class Officer. The Executioners were very rare, there were only two of them in the entire world.

  I could go anywhere, carry any weapon, drive any vehicle. . . .

  For some reason I suddenly felt like saying, My name is Bond, James Bond. That thought made me laugh at myself.

  Emmy paused with fixing her makeup and shot me a confused glance, “What’s so funny?”

  “Oh, I was just thinking. You know how the Hunter Class Officers basically have immunity to anything, can carry any gun, drive any car, boss the military around, all that fun stuff? Well, I was just thinking it was like all those Bond movies. He was licensed to kill, just like me. So I just felt like saying, My name is Bond, James Bond all the sudden.” I shrugged with a light giggle at myself.

  “Wouldn’t that be Jamie or something instead?” Marsala asked flatly.

  “I think you’re missing the joke,” Emmy jested, returning to her repairs.

  Returning to the wallet in my hands, behind the ID I found a platinum creditcard and a platinum bankcard. Each card was plastered with the symbols of every creditcard company I’d ever heard of, and a number I hadn’t. Just what kind of money did this girl have? I got part of my answer when I unclasped the ID portion and folded it against the badge. There was over six-hundred dollars in assorted bills held by a clip in there. In all my life I’d never carried more than twenty in cash on me, and that was only on payday.

  “Not to sound shallow or anything, but how much money do I have now? I mean, her money is mine right? Not that it matters. It’s okay if I don’t get it. I was just wondering.” Before I could say anything else to dig my hole any deeper, I shut my mouth. I placed the wallet in the same pocket as the glasses inside my jacket.

  “You still have your old bank account, you’ll need to close that. You can still do that since you are an officer. It’s just like you left your possessions to the GCP instead of a relative. As for Kieran’s accounts, they’re yours now. Every penny. She has about eight-million dollars in the bank, I think. You’ll have to call her broker to see what all she has invested where.” My jaw dropped at what Emmy had just told me. In my old life I had about forty-thousand in unpaid student loans, my rent was always late, my fridge was empty, and I only had about twelve bucks in my bank account, on a good day.

  Marsala shifted on the couch as he started to speak. I think he was feeling cramped in the small room. “The GCP picks up most all of your expenses. If you are working, use the creditcard to pay. If it is a personal expense, then use the bankcard. When in doubt, pay with the creditcard. You can always settle up with accounting later. Besides it has no spending limit. Also, I am sure you noticed the different logos on the card. The GCP cut a deal with all the major creditcard companies. If a store will take any creditcard at all, they will take that one. It is the same with your bankcard.”

  “As Kieran, since she is a Hunter, you receive a very handsome salary. Also the GCP paid for her education, so you don’t owe anything there, and it currently pays for her apartment and all work related travel expenses. Her meals here are free, and we supply her clothing and equipment. She really has no expenses outside work. She always spent her money on expensive gadgets and luxury vacations. To put it in simple terms, you’re rich.” Emmy spoke briskly, full of confidence again as she was finishing her makeup repair. She looked just like she did when I first saw her that morning. Smile and all.

  It’s only been twenty-seven hours since I first woke up as Kieran Grey. Things are really starting to look up. I have the body, the money, and the authority I always wanted. Well maybe not exactly the part about the body. But it’s
a nice body to have. Things are good for me now. That usually means something bad is about to happen. Or, maybe it just seems like that. Yes, I am a pessimist. My glass is always half empty, cracked, and leaky. If I even have a glass at all.

  The door slid open again. Tanaka strolled in like he owned the place. “So this is where you’ve all been. Yuric and his entourage have arrived. By their request, they are waiting for us in the Demonstration Armory conference room. No offense Marsala, but Yuric is . . . creepy!” He shivered.

  “No offense taken. Yuric is a very powerful Master Vampire. It is normal for people to be unsettled by him.” Marsala was smiling nervously. It was almost like he was afraid of Yuric himself. Though I was sure he’d never admit it even if he was. “We should not keep them waiting.”

  “Uh, before we go, Kieran could I talk to you in the hall for a sec?” Tanaka was acting like he was nervous.

  I looked at Emmy and Marsala. They both just shrugged their shoulders. If they knew what was going on, they weren’t talking.

  “No surprises?” I made it a question instead of blurting it out like the order I meant it to be.

  “On my honor, I just want to tell you something.” He looked innocent and nervous as he held out his hand for me.

  I wonder what would happen if I say no. But, he did promise didn’t he? I took his hand because it was offered. Instantly his face relaxed. I would’ve bet good money he thought I was going to say no. We stepped out of the office into the hall. There was no one else around which gave the conversation an air of privacy.

  “I want to apologize for yesterday,” he said turning me to face him. “Before Kieran was captured, we talked. She told me that if anything happened to her . . . if anything happened but she still lived, to force her to relearn her powers and get back to work as fast as possible. She made me promise to push her until she was back in the game. That was over a year ago, but it was a promise. I’m sorry if I seemed like an ass yesterday. I’m not really that bad of a guy. I promise you though, no more surprises about your powers.”