Survivor Reborn (Kieran Grey Psionic Hunter) Read online

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  “Thank you Nurse Vicki,” Ren said in a little kids voice. I couldn’t keep from laughing.

  Vicki looked at me. “I know, Nurse Vicki. It sounds like the name of someone in a porn movie. The guys always get a kick out of teasing me about it.”

  “That wasn’t what I was laughing at,” I whispered through a slowly growing blush.

  Ren ignored me. “Actually I’ve heard her nickname around here is Nurse Goody-Two-Shoes. She doesn’t smoke, or drink, or even date. Little Miss Goody-Two-Shoes.” Ren was teasing Vicki.

  “It’s true, every word of it.” Vicki looked proud of herself.

  “Why don’t you date?” I asked. The look on her face dropped into a deep blush. She couldn’t look at me anymore.

  What’d I say that was so bad?

  Ren spoke up, “Can I tell her?” Vicki nodded then turned away from me.

  “Tell me what?”

  “Vicki’s a lesbian. She only likes girls. And from her reaction I would say she really likes you,” Ren teased.

  “REN!!!” Vicki turned around and hit Ren on her just healed arm. Ren yelped in pain. “Sorry, I forgot that was the bad arm. It’s healed but the pain will last for a few hours yet. You okay?”

  I smiled. It was comforting to see them like this, like real friends.

  “Are you two–?” I let the silence ask the rest of the question.

  They both stared at me a few seconds before they broke down and laughed hysterically.

  “No, sweet little Serenity only likes boys,” Vicki cooed.

  “I’m sorry, I just thought with the way you both acted that you were lovers. Sorry.” I was embarrassed for even thinking it now.

  “Vicki and I saved each other’s lives long ago. We’ve been best friends since.”

  “Not that I haven’t tried to get into her pants though,” Vicki added with a bump of her hip against the detective’s knee. “So is there something else I can help you with?”

  “You could take me to the party tonight,” Ren pleaded.

  “No! We already talked about this Ren. All the group knows you’re a cop, and that you are not my lover. They won’t let you in. I’m sorry but no.”

  “What party?” I was being nosey.

  “The lycanthrope community is gathering tonight for a pre-full-moon party. They do it each month. It is kind’a a tradition. Everyone brings their dates and just have a big party. It’s fun. No one has to worry about what anyone will think of them, so they can let loose. And there are plenty of people around to keep you out of trouble if you lose control and accidently shift early. It’s just a great big party.” Vicki was smiling brightly again. I really liked her and her smile.

  “So how did you get invited?” I asked the stupid question.

  “Oh, because I’m a shapeshifter. Werecougar to be exact.” Vicki had that proud smile again.

  “I thought shifters weren’t allowed to work in hospitals. . . . Wait, the secret that you’re a shapeshifter isn’t as important as the fact you like girls? ” As soon as I asked it, I wished I would’ve kept my mouth shut.

  Ren answered for Vicki. “All of her secrets are each equally important. Shifters can’t be kept from working anywhere, legally. But, people don’t like having them at certain jobs. They do everything they legally can to keep out shifters. No one at the hospital here knows Vicki is a shifter or a psionic. As for liking girls, well she just isn’t comfortable when admitting she is attracted to someone.”

  “Ren!” Vicki reached back as if to hit her again, but held her hand still. “It’s true. If the hospital knew, they’d find a way to get rid of me. But I like being here, helping the kids. I can use my psionic healing to give these kids a chance at a normal healthy life. And if any of them catch me healing them, the adults would just think that the kids were making up stories.”

  I’d dug myself into a hole. I needed to change the subject. “So. . . . Why do you want to go to the party so badly?”

  Vicki dropped her hand and pouted, “She wants to snoop.”

  “We’ve had reports that a white werewolf with tribal markings in its fur is working with Jacob. I want to go see if anyone at the party knows of such a werewolf in the area.”

  “Everyone knows that you’re a touch-clairvoyant, they’d just avoid you like the plague. No one wants you stealing their secrets. Besides, like I said, they won’t let anyone in that’s not my lover now. You pissed them off last time I took you, Ren.” Vicki leaned against the counter. She crossed her hands across her chest. Unlike mine, her breasts were just small enough that she could without putting herself on display. Or maybe it’s that she was just more practiced about it.

  Then I had a wicked thought with a handful of ulterior motives in mind. “You just want to ask around about this white werewolf right? Couldn’t I do that for you?” It was an excuse to spend time with the cute nurse, and of course maybe help the case, if I got bored of the cute nurse.

  They both looked at me like I’d lost my mind.

  “I don’t see why not,” Ren shrugged.

  “You’re not my lover. Anyone I take with me has to be my lover or else they can’t get in.”

  “We could pretend couldn’t we. No one there knows me do they? We could pretend that we’re lovers. Then I could ask around. I promise to be discrete about my questions.” It felt like I was pleading with her to take me. Which I was. It was my pathetic way of asking for a date.

  “They would probably make us prove we were lovers, by kissing or something. Could you really do that convincingly?” Vicki looked at me doubtful.

  “Of course. I’m a great acto–actress.” I almost said actor, but caught myself just in time.

  Vicki crossed the small room. She stood inches in from my face. She smelled like raspberries.

  “Prove it,” she said defiantly with a unbelieving squint in her eyes.

  Without thinking, I let my body control my actions as I grabbed her face kissing her lightly. She opened her mouth slightly in surprise. I took advantage and kissed her harder. I wasn’t overly experienced in kissing, but my body reacted as if it’d been kissing Vicki for years. When she started kissing me back I let my hands slide from her face. I caressed her body through her scrubs all the way down. Then I grabbed her ass, pulling her into the kiss even more. She brought her hands up my body to cup my face.

  She’d taken over the kiss now. She leaned against me, pushing me against the wall. Her leg raised up as if she was going to crawl inside me. I grabbed her thigh, pulling her against me. I felt one of her hands drop under my jacket to caress my left breast. Feeling her touch through my shields and the thin clothing brought a moan from my throat. Her other hand dropped to grab my ass. She pulled me against her, rubbing our bodies together.

  “AHEM!!!” Ren coughed.

  We split, both gasping for air. Vicki stared at me with wonderment. “Wow!” she said again and again.

  I’m an even better actress than I thought. Damn that was bold of me.

  Ren was laughing at us. “If you kiss like that at the party, no one will question that you’re not lovers. Trust me.”

  “How could you kiss me like that?” Vicki was still gasping for air.

  “It’s a secret.”

  I can’t tell her that I used to be a guy and she looks like a sexy goddess to me, can I?

  “Come on, tell me!”

  “I used to be, well, that is, um, I guess I’m kind’a bisexual you might say. And you are quite attractive.” I was blushing now, so hard that even my chest was flushed red.

  “If you want to go to the party, I’ll pick you up at seven. Wear something that shows off that body. Oh, and they don’t allow any weapons at the party, so don’t bring any. We may have to kiss again a few times tonight to prove you’re my lover. You still want to go?” Vicki asked me.

  “I’m looking forward to it.” I didn’t add the party and the kisses to the end of that. I figured that was implied.

  Chapter 13

  Ren gave Vick
i the address of my apartment suite. I hadn’t even been there myself yet. She called Emmy explaining what was going on. Emmy was going to meet me at my apartment to help me get dressed. She was disappointed that she missed the kiss though.

  I think Emmy likes to catch me in embarrassing situations.

  Ren dropped me off at the front entrance of the building. She left saying that she was going to go take a look at the tape I retrieved from the werewolf.

  The doorman held the door for me as I went inside the building. On the inside the place looked like a very upscale hotel, including the tasteful holiday decorations. I approached the front desk out of a habit that was not my own.

  A cheery looking man stood behind the counter in an uncomfortable looking forest green tweed jacket. His smile was that of a well-practiced one, it meant everything and nothing. “Welcome back Officer Grey. You have mail, and your sister Dr. Grey called. She is running behind, but will arrive here shortly. Is there anything else I can get for you today?” He handed me a stack of envelopes.

  “Thank you, but I’m fine for now.” I took the stack. There was a large manila envelope from Emmy on the top.

  “Well, please do not hesitate to call us for anything.” He tipped his head from side to side as he talked. He looked like a smiling bobble-head doll.

  I went to the bank of elevators. A large man in a fire-engine-red, double-breasted with brass buttons, long-coat uniform that reminded me of the bellhops from the movies only without the hat, stood in front of the elevators.

  “Welcome back Miss Grey. Heading up to your suite? Allow me escort you.” He bowed then pressed the elevator button and the doors opened immediately, as if the elevator was just for me, waiting.

  Do I really live in a place like this? I mean, rich or not this place is awfully upscale to actually live in.

  We both stepped in. The large man pressed the button for the eighteenth floor. There were only twenty floors. So, why don’t I have the penthouse if I’ve got so much money? The man stood silently waiting by the buttons. He never looked at me as he stared at the doors like they held the key to the universe. It was nice, but a little weird. I decided to open the envelope from Emmy. Inside was an electronic keycard. A note stuck to it read 18A.

  The elevator stopped, doors opening. Across from the elevators, in front of a wall mirror there was a table with a tasteful flower arrangement on it. The large man gestured for me to go first. I stepped into the empty hall. There were two sets of double doors, one each direction from the elevators. The man came around from behind me to lead the way. He stopped in front of the set of double doors to the right. He turned to me with his hand out expectantly. I just looked at him.

  What? Does he want a tip, or something?

  “If you will allow me to, I’ll open the doors for you.” I stood there looking at him.

  He reached over my hands to the keycard on the top of the stack of envelopes. Holding up the card he smiled at me. Then he placed the card in a slot next to the door handles. With a CLICK the doors opened. He handed me back the card with a slight bow.

  “Is there anything else I can do for you today?”

  I stared at the keycard in my hand. “My sister will be arriving soon.”

  “I’ll make sure she is escorted up as soon as she arrives, anything else?”

  “I have a . . . friend coming to pick me up at seven–”

  “Your friend will be escorted up on arrival as well. Anything else?”

  “N-n-no, thank you, that, that will be all for now.”

  “Good day then, Miss Grey.” He turned and was gone back into the elevator before I could wonder again if I should’ve given him a tip.

  I’ll have to ask Emmy about that.

  I entered through the double doors. The room was dark. I started to grope for a light switch when I heard the CRASH of shattering glass. It sounded almost exactly like the werewolf had with the breaking dishes earlier in the victim’s apartment. There was only one crash. It took me a second to realize that I’d crouched on the floor and had drawn a gun without thinking about it. Mail dropped and scattered across the floor.

  At least I reacted better than I did last time.

  I eased the doors closed. The entire place was completely dark now. I flexed my empty hand. The shield-bubble expanded out filling the room with a violet glow. I was in an entrance room dominated by an oval table with an oversized flower arrangement pouring over it in the center of the room. The crash had come from inside to the left. I edged my way to the next room.

  The livingroom was wide and spacious. I couldn’t see the entire room through my shield-bubble all at once. Edging myself across the wall of the room, I reached the corner of the diningroom. Looking around the corner I could tell that there was light coming from underneath the door on the other side of the diningroom. It was then I remembered my glasses had night vision.

  Oh well, a little late now.

  I crept my way to the door. I could hear broken glass being slid around on the other side of the door. Who could’ve broken in? I pushed my shields out farther. I could make out more of the kitchen beyond the door like a sort of x-ray vision. A figure moved in the kitchen. I couldn’t tell who or what it was. I just hadn’t had enough experience to tell the difference.

  I couldn’t decide whether to inch the door open, or to just kick it in. Which way would the others do it? If Marsala kicked down the door he’d probably take half of the wall with it. I laughed at myself for just a second then remembered what I was doing and chided myself. I decided on the direct approach.

  Kick the door open, and shoot the bastard before he can react. Yeah, that’s what I’ll do.

  I stood up. After taking a deep breath, I kicked in the door. Dropping into a crouch. Using my leg to keep the door propped open. I had the gun ready to fire.

  “DON’T SHOOT!!!” a girl screamed.

  Half sitting, half kneeling in the middle of the floor, was a curvy teenage-looking girl in a plain brown dress and a maid’s apron. Her hands were up covering her face. The long, curly bright-red hair was pulled back from her face with a brown hair band. In front of her on the floor was a broom and a dustpan, and what remained of a plate. I put the gun up and carefully stood, searching around for signs of anyone else in the room.

  “I’m. Sorry. About. The. Plate. I’ll. Pay. To. Replace. It. Please. Don’t. Kill. Me!” She was sobbing now. Speaking a single word between each sob.

  “Who are you?”

  “Mary. My. Name. Is. Mary. I’m-I’m your new housekeeper. I just started this job today. Please don’t shoot me.” She was crying lighter now with her hands still covering her face.

  “I’m sorry, Mary is it? I’m not going to shoot you. I promise. I’m just a little jumpy today.”

  She finally moved her hands. Her jade green eyes were filled with tears. I held my hands out to show her that I was no longer holding a gun on her. She plopped back fully on the floor and broke down wailing. She just sat there and let the tears roll. I went to her putting a hand out. She hesitated but finally took my hand. I helped her stand, then walked her over to a kitchen stool. I grabbed her a tissue from the counter while she sat down.

  “Miss. Emmy. Said. You’d. Be. Back. Today. I wanted to clean up for you. I. I-I-I wanted to make a good I-impression. Th-then-then. . . .” She broke down crying again.

  I hugged her. Then I explained some of the details about what had happened earlier in as soft and nonthreatening of a voice as I could manage. We both ended up laughing at the similarities of both situations. She couldn’t believe that I had thought she was a werewolf.

  We agreed to start over. After proper introductions I learned that Emmy had personally selected this girl to take care of my place for me. Emmy had told her that I had lost my memories due to a work related accident, so I might act a little odd at times.

  At least I don’t have to make up my own excuses yet.

  Mary had left the lights off, so as to not run up my power bill. We agree
d to leave lights on if either of us were here, or at least open the curtains during the day.

  After cleaning the mess in the kitchen, Mary took me on a small tour of the suite. I was shocked to find out that my suite consisted of half of the entire floor. Not as good as the penthouse, but I decided I could suffer with it. Forced issue and all.

  The living room alone was the size of a small house. There was an obsidian fireplace opposite of the large 98" wide-screen high-def 3D plasma TV. Six white rounded couches split the room in half. Half of them faced the TV the other half faced the fireplace. They formed two half-circles back to back. Potted plants filled the space between the sets of couches. The entire place was decorated in a monochromatic fashion that just screamed money. Mary threw open the curtains in the living room. I was instantly drawn to the view. I stepped out on the snow kissed balcony to see the city stretched out below us, framed by the mountains in the distance. It was a spectacular view. One worth coming home to.

  We went through the other rooms. Diningroom, kitchen, laundry, just like any other fancy expensive house. There were three bedrooms and a master bedroom. Each bedroom had its own bathroom and was fully furnished in the same expensive looking style as the livingroom. There was also a guest bathroom off of the living room next to the master bedroom.

  In the back corner behind the living room was a spa room decked out in wood panels and plants. It had a hot tub under a waterfall that was big enough for a dozen people to fit comfortably inside, along with a steam room and a private massage table. The three walls were all two-way mirrors, one side showed the living room and the other two sides showed outside, but no one could see in. In case you preferred to spa in the nude I guess. The fourth wall was covered in live bamboo plants.

  The master bedroom was huge by any standards. The king size bed seemed small in the center of the room. My two paper boxes and my laptop from my old apartment set at the foot of the bed. Mary told me that she already added the DVD’s to the collection, but hadn’t gotten around to putting up the other boxes yet. I told her that I’d get them later myself. One box was full of old picture albums–the last remains of my real parents. The other box held my porn collection. Hey, I was a single guy in my old life, so I had to take care of my own needs, no harm in adding a little stimulation. I did have this odd feeling that it would’ve been bad if Mary’d opened that box to unpack it.