Survivor Reborn (Kieran Grey Psionic Hunter) Read online

Page 16

  Another large high-def plasma TV was on the wall for viewing from the bed just like in the other bedrooms. Mary explained that every TV was linked up to a computer system that had a digital video recorder for each room hooked to it. Anyone staying there could record any TV show they wanted and then play it back at any time. Also, all the DVD’s were removed from their boxes and placed in a jukebox system. Just use the remote to pick what you want to see and the jukebox queues it up. The DVD player had a multi-beam reader. Apparently every TV in the apartment suite could be watching the same disk, but be at different places in the movie at the same time. The stereo worked the same way with hidden speakers in every room.


  There was a huge computer work station in the far end of the room. I couldn’t tell what all was over there, but I could plainly see the triple 30" LCD flat panel display. A computer geek’s dream.

  On the wall near the door was another door and a steel-grey closet that took up more than half of the wall. I went to the closet. There were no handles, only a black square about twice the size of my hand. I looked over my shoulder at Mary busy opening the drapes behind the computer. She wasn’t paying attention to me.

  Good. At least I won’t look like a total idiot trying to figure out how to open my own closet.

  I touched the black panel with my finger in a number of places. Nothing happened.

  How in the hell do you open this thing?

  I placed my entire hand against the black panel. A blue line grew horizontally at the top of the panel, then the line flowed down my hand. I kept my hand still until the blue line reached the bottom. A series of loud CLICKS followed by a light HISS came from the closet.

  Hell of a place for your clothes.

  The closet doors cycled open. When the light came on inside I let out a gasp.

  This is NOT the clothes closet!

  It was the gun closet. A big, gun closet with a whole lot of guns in it. What stood out first were two more pairs of Walther pistols like I had on.

  Spares, cool!

  There were dozens of clips for the different guns already loaded, neatly sorted on the shelves. I could arm a small army just from my closet. Mary was suddenly standing beside me, and let out a whistle.

  “Wow! I wondered what was in there. I couldn’t open it.” Her mouth was open as she stared at the arsenal.

  “You can never be too prepared, I guess,” I shrugged.

  “Only two rooms left, come on.” When I stepped away from the closet, the doors closed by themselves CLICKING and HISSING locked again. Then Mary took me to the master bath.

  The master bath was larger than my entire old apartment was. The shower with its multiple shower heads was separate from the sunken bath tub which could’ve easily held four people. In the far corner was the door that opened to the toilet for privacy. The vanity held a huge assortment of expensive-looking designer makeups and perfumes. Thousands of pretty bottles that I had no real intention of ever using.

  There was a set of double doors on the one wall directly across from the door to the bedroom. Mary made a big presentation of opening them for me. She said that the doors, “hid the best part of the entire place.” With the doors open I gasped at the size of the walk-in closet. It was large enough that I would‘ve called it a drive-in closet. It was at least twice the size of the bathroom.

  There were padded benches and mirrors spread throughout the large room which was decorated in warm earth tones and dark woods, with warm hidden lighting everywhere. Racks of clothes lined all but the far wall hidden around the corner. That was a wall of shoes. Just shoes. There were enough clothes in there that I could’ve switched outfits twice a day and never wore the same thing more than once in a year.

  How in the hell am I ever going to choose what to wear out of all this?

  I suddenly felt like Anne Hathaway from The Princess Diaries when she said, “I have my own mall.”

  * * *

  The doorbell chimed. Mary excused herself to get the door. I was still standing with my jaw on the floor when Mary and Emmy entered the closet.

  “Well, what do you think?” Emmy asked obviously pleased with my surprise.

  “I think any girl I’ve ever known would be deathly jealous of me. How can I afford this place? And these clothes? You said I had money, but this is all worth more than a fortune.”

  Emmy giggled at me. “You’re a Hunter Class Officer for the GCP. They take your position very seriously. The GCP owns the building, so you live here for free, and the wardrobe is all custom made for you by the Tailor. He makes all of our clothes and jewelry. I told you this earlier, remember?”

  “Yeah, but I had no idea.”

  Mary went to make us some tea. Emmy stood there enjoying watching me being in awe.

  “So all of this is mine? No hidden catches or anything?” I asked her.

  “That’s right. This all belonged to Kieran, and now, it belongs to you.”

  “What about the staff? Do I pay them, or tip them, or something?”

  “The staff receive regular paychecks from the GCP, and you don’t tip them. Every year you do give a Christmas thank-you-payment to the staff members that you think deserve it. Usually one-hundred dollars or so to the doormen, valets, front desk clerks, and the elevator escorts. You’d usually give your housekeeper five hundred to a thousand. I know that sounds like a lot, but you are getting services here better than any five-star luxury hotel could ever hope to match. Besides there are a number of people living in the building. It’s normal for the staff downstairs to receive a couple thousand dollars at Christmas between all the different tenants each giving them a hundred dollars. That’s why you only give the money to those you think deserve it. It makes them try harder. The better service they give, the better the Christmas gift is in return. Every year though you always give Charles money regardless. He’s the guy who brought you up in the elevator. He kind of acts like a personal assistant for you from time to time, so it’s worth the money to have him on hand. You usually give him a little more than the others because of that as well.

  “Mary is now your personal housekeeper. She lives in the servant quarters on the lower levels of the building. That way she’s at your beckon call twenty-four hours a day, for cooking, cleaning, errands, whatever. I thought you’d enjoy her company better than the old housekeeper. Buck was good eye-candy, but a horrendous cook. I swear, he could even burn a glass of water. Mary just finished high school this month. She graduated early and is working to earn enough money to go to college next fall. I think that she was accepted to both St. Carver College and City University. In fact I believe that she could attend this spring if she had the funding. I don’t remember though. She’s only seventeen, so don’t go getting any perverted ideas,” Emmy warned me with a stern stare.

  “What are the servant quarters?” I asked ignoring her last comment.

  “They’re like a dorm for the housekeepers and other staff members. There are usually four people per room. Each room is small, and kind’a crowded, but the rent is damn cheap. Cheap rent with good pay and bonuses keeps most of the employees happy. A lot of them are like Mary, saving up all they can for college. They need to live as cheap as they can.”

  “Why doesn’t she live up here? I mean there are three extra bedrooms I’m not using.”

  “Some of the upper floor renters have had their personal housekeepers move into the smallest of the bedrooms. Mostly so that they don’t have to call down and wait when they want something. But, if you want Mary to move in, you’ll just have to ask her. That has to be your decision. It would save her rent money each month, and she would be easier for you to get a hold of that way. But, it’s your choice. As for the extra bedrooms, I borrow the one next to the spa every once and a while, it would be nice to still use it from time to time if you don’t mind. Other than that, they just remain empty. You don’t even use them as storage. Feel free to do with them what you want.”

  I was having a hard time
digesting all that she just said, along with the great place.

  “Why does the GCP pay for all of this for me?”

  Emmy sighed, then sat down on one of the benches. I sat down across from her preparing for what I was afraid was going to be an unpleasant discussion.

  “You, are a very powerful psionic,” she began to explain. “So powerful that you’re among a handful that are actually feared by the GCP Council themselves, even though they’re all just normal people. If you go rogue there are only a few others in the world that could stop you. Until you over do it and pass out of course. But you could do a lot of damage before the migraines overtake you and leave you vulnerable. In a way you’re like a walking nuclear bomb. They would rather have you happily on their side where they can keep tabs on you, than have you roaming around freely. They’re buying your allegiance really. A huge salary, fancy apartment, expensive cars, the unlimited expense account, lush vacations, everything is just a bribe to keep you on their side. You could walk away from all of this if you wanted. But, if you did they would declare you rogue and hunt you down. It’s honestly kind of a join us or die thing. You’re just that important, that powerful, and that scary. Well, scary to them anyway.”

  “So this is just a fancy prison to keep me under their control?” I asked.

  “Yeah, really it is. They fear you on your own, and they fear you against them. So they keep you here, bribing you to stay. But as far as prisons go, I wouldn’t say this one was that bad. You can come and go as you please, just as long as you help the GCP when they need it. You live in a luxury that most of the world only dreams about. Money, power . . . oh, and the parties with all the celebs! Plus you have an open ticket to almost every single movie premier, never having to wait in line for a club. . . . Kieran spent a lot of time in the past hanging out with actors and supermodels on the red carpet. You really have a good life here.”

  I didn’t know how to react to the news. Mary saved me from trying. She brought in a tray with two steaming teacups, and an assortment of sweeteners and flavors to be added to the tea. Emmy took her tea straight. I took mine with regular sugar. I took a sip of the herbal tea blend, I’d never tasted one like it before.

  “Mary, what type of tea is this?”

  She smiled at me. “It is a blend of herbal teas I created. Do you like it?”

  She created her own tea?

  “Yes it’s delicious, but aren’t you going to join us?”

  She bowed her head as she spoke, “Oh no! It just wouldn’t be right for me to have tea with you. I’m just the hired help. Servants shouldn’t take such pleasures with their masters.”

  I cringed when she called me master. It didn’t sound right calling me that. I’d never had servants before, and I certainly didn’t want a slave. Emmy just shrugged at me when I shot her a pleading glance. It was up to me to decide how to handle this.

  Why won’t anyone ever help me with these type of decisions? Of course, I’ve never really had to make decisions like these before.

  “Mary, I’m not your master. I’m just your employer, albeit indirectly, but still just your employer. I’d rather have a friend that helped take care of me than just a servant. Please, join us. And feel free to join in anytime.”

  “Thank you ma’am.” She gave me a short bow.

  I cringed again at the ma’am part. Getting used to a new life was hard enough without all the name changes. “Please, just call me Kieran.”

  She bowed again. “Thank you, Miss Kieran.”

  Close enough, but I’ll have to work with her on the bowing thing.

  Mary fetched herself a cup along with the kettle of tea from the kitchen. It took some coaxing, but she finally sat down to share the tea with us.

  Who else but me would end up having a tea party in their closet?

  Emmy was making small talk to keep us from sitting there in an awkward silence. “What are your plans for the holidays Mary?” she asked.

  Mary sipped her tea a second, then looked at the floor. “I actually don’t have any plans. I grew up in an orphanage on the south side of town. They were my only real family. But, they don’t allow anyone who’s not living there to come celebrate with them. So, I, I don’t have any plans.”

  I understood where she was coming from.

  Is that why Emmy picked her, because we had somewhat similar pasts? Awful sneaky of her. I wonder what the old Kieran did for the holidays?

  “Well then Mary, I must insist that you spend the holidays with us,” I declared as I glanced at her over my tea. She looked shockingly pleased.

  “Really? You’re inviting me for Christmas?”

  “Of course. Why wouldn’t I?” I thought about making a bad joke about needing someone to clean up afterward, but I was good and kept big my mouth shut for once.

  “I figured you wouldn’t want to celebrate because of the apartment.” Emmy and I both stared at her. “You don’t have any decorations up.”

  I had to laugh. She was right. It was already December, and everywhere else had decorations. Even the lobby downstairs had a giant tree decorated.

  “Okay then, Mary you are officially in-charge of decorations. We’ll have a small party for the holidays right here. Is that okay with you Emmy?”

  She was beaming again. I guessed she was glad to still have a part of her sister left to have the holidays with. “Mom is going to be working this Christmas, so I am free to attend. That’s a great idea, Sis.”

  “It is settled then. Mary, you may decorate to your heart’s content. And don’t worry about the cost, I’ll pay for everything, so buy whatever you think we need. Let’s have a real Christmas.”

  Mary was pleased with the news. I felt good about it too. I spent the last few years alone on holidays. It would be a nice change to have friends around.

  We drank our tea for a minute in silence, then I just had to ask a question.

  “Mary, do you like your job?” I asked flatly. She instantly glared at me with a look of horror, almost dropping her tea. Whoops, I should’ve phrased that differently! “Sorry! You’re not in trouble, I was just wondering if you liked taking care of the household for someone else.”

  Relief came across her face. “I always did the cooking and cleaning at the orphanage. But we had thirty-two people there. Cooking and cleaning here is simple by comparison. Besides, I get paid better here than I would at a retail job. And I get a place to stay too.”

  “Yeah, about that. Have you moved in yet?”

  Emmy gaped at me with a quizzical look.

  “Not fully. I just had time to drop off my stuff downstairs before starting work today. I did meet the other girls I have to share the room with, I . . . I-I’m sure we will all get along just fine.” She didn’t sound convincing at all. Emmy hid her smile behind her tea. I think she knew where I was going with this.

  “Well Mary, I was just thinking. If I wake up at three-thirty in the morning and want a snack, I’ll have to call you out of bed, bothering your roommates, then wait for you to get all the way up here. Would you not agree that it would be more convenient for everyone, if you just lived in one of the spare rooms up here?”

  Her eyes lit up like Vegas on a power surge. “How much would the rent be?” Her voice was a little too eager.

  “Nothing, on a few conditions,” I said. She was nodding her head before I told her what they were. “First off, you will live here as my friend, not a servant. I expect to share meals with you and you are welcome to join in any activities at the house, within reason of course. Second, you will go through a short gun training class. I’m sure Emmy can set you up with something. As you know, I have guns in the apartment and I don’t want to endanger anyone just because you didn’t know any better. Third, you must keep up with all of your duties daily. And finally, you must attend a college or university of your choice.”

  “Yes, but–” I held up my hand stopping her.

  “For now I’ll loan you the money to go to school. You can pay me back later, once
you graduate. But you have to finish what you start, or the deal is off.”

  Her head was bobbing up and down so fast it was making my neck hurt. “Yes, yes of course. I would love to live up here with you. I’ve never had a room of my own. This is too perfect. Thank you. Thank you both. I was so worried when I first started that I’d be stuck taking care of some perverted single guy that couldn’t keep his hands off me. In the orphanage I was always getting groped and pawed. The boys were always trying to cop a feel or sneak a peek. I was molested daily. This will be such a change. I never dreamed I’d get to work for such a wonderful woman.”

  Emmy kept from laughing, but she had to turn her head to hide her face.

  Some perverted single guy? Well so much for my ego. At least Mary thought I was a wonderful woman. That has to count for something. I just know this is all a setup of Emmy’s somehow.

  Mary thanked me again, then she hugged us both before she took the dishes to the kitchen to clean up.

  Emmy looked out the side of her smile at me. “That was extremely decent of you. I didn’t think you would actually have her move in. And then to pay for her education. Are you trying for a Good Samaritan Award or something? Or do you have an ulterior motive, Mr. Perverted Single Guy? She isn’t even legal yet, remember?”

  “Hell Emmy, can’t I do something nice for once without you thinking I have a sexual motive behind it? I was in her position once. I know how hard it is to get by and go to school at the same time. I can’t help it, I just want her to have an easier time than I did. Besides, what good is having a bunch of money and never using it?”